Friday, September 28, 2007


The other night I was laying on the couch and noticed a giant hobo spider running across the end of my couch. Yikes!! I jumped up, grabbed my puma and smashed him into oblivion. (Shivers). I hate those things. And to think I was sharing my couch with him.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Chic Magnet

I am finding out that my new puppy is more of a chic magnet than a dude magnet. Definitely not the effect I was hoping for. Last time I took her for a walk I had two women pull over and ask me what kind of dog she was. (Sigh).

To my friends in Cali- you said I needed to make sure that my dogs name was something I would be comfortable explaining to a guy... you didn't warn me that I should make sure my dog isn't so cute that she only attracts women. :o)

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I think I found the perfect way to get rid of junk mail. All I have to do is leave it on the floor and Kona takes care of everything. This morning she shredded two newspaper fliers and had a blast doing it. All I had to do was make sure she didn't eat all the little pieces.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Everything is going well with my new puppy. She is very smart and is learning her basic commands quickly. We still have to work on the biting thing, but I am hoping to squash that behavior in the next couple of weeks. I think I will try to take her for a walk tonight and see how it goes.