Friday, July 18, 2008
Lace Undies
I keep bragging about how good my puppy is. She turned one last month and has really been making some huge behavioral strides. I often let her sleep at night outside of her kennel and she doesn't even destroy anything. In the mornings when I call her in from the yard she goes right into her kennel (I am so proud). And, she is becoming quite the little swimmer. But, ever so often she reminds me that she is still a puppy. Last night I look out in the yard and she is prancing around with a pair of my lace thongs hanging out of her mouth. As soon as I step out of the door she takes off, so pleased that she has evoked a game of "catch me if you can". As I am stomping around the yard shouting "bad dog, drop", "sit", "come" and other not so nice phrases I won't repeat in this blog, I realize that one of my sandals is laying in the middle of the yard. Hmmmm, wonder how that got there?
I have been really trying to get in shape. I always thought I would do it before I turned 30, but it seems that instead I am doing it while I am 30. This last week I made it down to the weight I was in college. I am still 15 lbs heavier than I want to be, but it was a little milestone. Plus, I feel like I am actually getting strong again. I bench pressed 90 lbs for 8 reps. I think I can definitely do more next time.
Lawn Mower Update
So my dad told me to tap on the carburetor with a screw driver so that maybe something would break loose and my lawn mower would start. So.....I got my hammer (bigger is always better, right?) and tapped on every piece of my lawn mower. I have no idea what the carburetor looks like, but by hitting everything I figured I covered my bases...... and....... drum roll please............................It started right up! Am I handy or what?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Broken Rant
Sometimes things can get a little overwhelming as a single gal that owns a home. This has especially been the case lately. Why is it when funds are low that everything seems to break and they are never small ticket items either. Not to mention the list of things to get done never seems to get any shorter.
Broken things:
Broken things:
- my computer died- good thing I just moved all my itunes to an external hard drive
- my lawn mower won't start- I just spend $70 to have it fixed (the guy said there was nothing wrong so I am not sure why that cost $70). I am sure it has something to do with the little red button I am suppose to push 5 to 10 times to get it started. No doubt I flooded the damn thing. How am I suppose to get it un-flooded.
- my light on my living room fan won't turn on anymore
- the secondary soap dispenser in my dish washer won't close anymore- probably has something to do with the piece of plastic that broke off. I still fill it up thought, more soap can't be a bad thing, right?
- the ice maker connection for my freezer that taps into my guest bathroom cold water line leaks, so I have had the cold water turned off on that sink for 8 months of so
- the maintenance light is on in my car, but it seems to be okay (I just drove it to Banff and back) so I am going to act like nothing is wrong. I am hoping it is a 50,000 mile maintenance reminder.
Things to get done:
- create a patio- I have all the pavers, just need to order sand, gravel and rent compactor. $$$
- redo my bathroom shower- it isn't actually connected to the drain, right now it is a great storage area for my lotions and jewelry. $$$
- gravel driveway- right now it is a mess of weeds. $$$
- have my kitchen lights installed that have been sitting in my garage
- take ugly sheds to the dump- the wind tore off the door on one of the sheds last night so now I have a little less demoing to do
- weed and feed lawn
- put mulch on flowerbeds. $
- create paver pathway around house (see first bullet)
- spray for spiders
- shampoo carpets
- figure out how to put the kayak rack on my car so that I can use my kayak
So...with all these things to do and get done. I think I will take Kona down to dog beach tonight and let her go for a swim. Nothing sounds better than getting out of the house and avoiding the whole horrid situation!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Even though I know, I didn't want to see it
You have to love the power of Internet. You can keep in touch with your friends and also checkout who they are friends with.... It is the perfect voyeur tool. For example, let's say you are quasi dating someone, there isn't a commitment and you are able to see other people, but you do like the person. Which means in turn they are able to see other people with the power of the Internet you can come face to face with "the other people". Isn't that fun!!! NOT!!!
Lost Swamp Hike

Last weekend was a lot of fun.
On Saturday I went to A's house to plan our 4th of July trip to Banff. I am so excited, can't wait.
On Sunday I decided to go for a hike at Lost Lake and Mineral Pt. On the way up there I saw a brand new baby fawn, such a cutie. I fear that it may not be the best example of "survival of the fittest" since it was meandering down the middle of the road.
Both hikes were lovely, but the mosquitoes were vicious at Lost Lake. It is not surprising that the mosquitoes were bad because Lost Lake is more like a swamp. The wild flowers were in full bloom and were quite picturesque
Mineral Pt. was a lot of fun. The trail has great views of the lake and dumps you out at a campground on the shore. Kona went swimming for real for the first time and I was such a proud puppy parent. She couldn't get enough and of course was so cute while she was swimming.
On the way home I got stuck behind a car that was parked right in the middle of the road. I couldn't go right or left to pass the car. I had my windows rolled down because it was stinking hot, and so did the couple in the car in front of me. Apparently they were having a really good time...let's just say that girl has a set of lungs on her. So...what do you do? I waited until I didn't hear the girl anymore and then gave a friendly beep beep. After all, a little frolicking in the woods is something we all enjoy.
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