C and I are hoping to go somewhere warm at the end of February. We figure by then we will be standing on the cusp of suidical tendencies brought on by snow, snow, and more snow. (Yes, I ski, I like it, but I would be happy if the snow stayed in the mountains and the roads were clear). For almost a year we have talked about Belize and we think we are going to go for it. I am praying my tax return will come back in time. Here is what we are thinking of doing: (plus the addition of a few other nights)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Such a Good Girl
Yesterday I came home to a dog with a poopy butt*. Gross! But, the good news is...there wasn't a huge mess all over my house. THANK YOU PET DOOR!!! So, Kona got to take a bath. I drew the water, laid out the towels and went to get my dog. I led her to the bathroom and she walked into the tub all my herself, with no prodding, pushing, or directing necessary. Such a good girl!!! I guess those weekly baths I gave her as a puppy really paid off. Now she is clean, super soft, and smells good.
*I have no doubt that this incidence happened because Kona got into her dog food bag the day before and gorged herself sleepy.
*I have no doubt that this incidence happened because Kona got into her dog food bag the day before and gorged herself sleepy.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hand-Pressing Flash Light
C gave me an awesome flash light to keep in my car that doesn't require batteries. All you have to do to keep the light going is press a hand lever. Here are the top 3 reasons why you should buy this flash light according to the packaging:
1. The product is a new science and technology product and made with high and new science and technology. It can illuminate only placing it in rhythm.
2. No need any power no environmental pollution. Low noise and health. Comparing with common torch, it can be several times on lift.
3. Con stantly using this health torch, it can benefit to your palm, arm and shoulder stretching and blood circulation, so as to let your hands relax and brain clever, hand and brain coor dinate and promote your brain memory and health composition.
Please note that the spaces in con stantly and coor dinate are intentional!
1. The product is a new science and technology product and made with high and new science and technology. It can illuminate only placing it in rhythm.
2. No need any power no environmental pollution. Low noise and health. Comparing with common torch, it can be several times on lift.
3. Con stantly using this health torch, it can benefit to your palm, arm and shoulder stretching and blood circulation, so as to let your hands relax and brain clever, hand and brain coor dinate and promote your brain memory and health composition.
Please note that the spaces in con stantly and coor dinate are intentional!
Just Seconds
Taking just two more seconds to look both ways before you crossed the road may have spared your life. If you had taken just two more seconds your family wouldn't be grieving. If you had taken just two more seconds my family would be enjoying a warm resting family vacation instead of feeling victimized, sad and stressed.
Please...everyone...s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and take just two more seconds.
It is amazing how just a couple seconds can change lives forever.
Please...everyone...s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and take just two more seconds.
It is amazing how just a couple seconds can change lives forever.
No Pain!
For years my mom has had intense pain from trigeminal neuralgia. Here is a pretty accurate description of the disorder:
"TN is a neuropathic disorder of one or both of the trigeminal nerves. Its nickname is "the suicide disease" because it causes one of the most severe pains that a human being can experience, and is not easily controlled or cured. It causes episodes of intense pain in any or all of the following: the ear, eye, lips, nose, scalp, forehead, teeth or jaw on one side of the face.[2] It is estimated that 1 in 15,000 people suffer from trigeminal neuralgia, although the actual figure may be significantly higher due to frequent misdiagnosis. TN usually develops after the age of 50, more commonly in females, although there have been cases with patients being as young as three years of age [3].
TN brings about stabbing, mind-numbing, electric shock-like pain from just a finger's glance of the cheek or spontaneously without any stimulation by the patient. Cold wind, high pitched sounds,loud noise such as concerts or crowds, chewing, talking, can aggravate the condition, and for the worst cases, even smiling or a scarf or the wind or hair on the side of the face is too much to bear."
Over a month ago Mom had gamma knife surgery in the hope that the pain would subside. During gamma knife surgery the neurosurgeon identifies the trigeminal nerve and zaps the sucker with a laser. The laser causes scaring on the nerve which inhibits its ability to send pain signals to the brain. It can take months to see results...but for my mom...IT WAS INSTANT! She is now off all the meds we was taking to mediate the pain and she is back to her old witty self again. Being on 3 anti-seizure meds has a way of dulling your mind. I am so thankful, I hope beyond hope that the results are permanent.
"TN is a neuropathic disorder of one or both of the trigeminal nerves. Its nickname is "the suicide disease" because it causes one of the most severe pains that a human being can experience, and is not easily controlled or cured. It causes episodes of intense pain in any or all of the following: the ear, eye, lips, nose, scalp, forehead, teeth or jaw on one side of the face.[2] It is estimated that 1 in 15,000 people suffer from trigeminal neuralgia, although the actual figure may be significantly higher due to frequent misdiagnosis. TN usually develops after the age of 50, more commonly in females, although there have been cases with patients being as young as three years of age [3].
TN brings about stabbing, mind-numbing, electric shock-like pain from just a finger's glance of the cheek or spontaneously without any stimulation by the patient. Cold wind, high pitched sounds,loud noise such as concerts or crowds, chewing, talking, can aggravate the condition, and for the worst cases, even smiling or a scarf or the wind or hair on the side of the face is too much to bear."
Over a month ago Mom had gamma knife surgery in the hope that the pain would subside. During gamma knife surgery the neurosurgeon identifies the trigeminal nerve and zaps the sucker with a laser. The laser causes scaring on the nerve which inhibits its ability to send pain signals to the brain. It can take months to see results...but for my mom...IT WAS INSTANT! She is now off all the meds we was taking to mediate the pain and she is back to her old witty self again. Being on 3 anti-seizure meds has a way of dulling your mind. I am so thankful, I hope beyond hope that the results are permanent.
I almost killed my dog...again!
A few weeks ago I met C for drinks at the Elk. I had just gotten home from a business trip so I had left my computer bag by the front door. I forgot, however, that I had a bottle of Kodi's rymadyl in my bag. There were approximately 20 75mg pills of rimadyl. The great thing about rymadyl is that it is quick dissolving and tastes good to dogs. The terrible thing about rymadyl is that it is quick dissolving and tastes good to dogs.
Kona helped herself, removing the bottle cap, to the entire bottle of rymadyl. When we got home I noticed the empty bottle laying in the middle of the living room floor. C wanted to give her epicac and make her throw up, but I am an over protective doggy Mom (when I am not accidentally killing my dog) so off we went to pet emergency.
They slowly explained to me how my dog could die from organ failure, etc..etc..etc.. I just wanted them to hurry up and make her puke. Spare me the explanation and get to work!!! It turns out that they put eye drops that contain a morphine derivative in their eyes to make them puke. We were told it would be about a half hour wait while Kona puked her guts out. About ten minutes into the wait here comes wriggling Kona running across the waiting room. She had some how escaped from vet tech and made a break for it. Can't say I blamed her!
After Kona puked up some large amounts of brown gruel we met with the vet again. The vet wanted to keep her overnight for "hospitalization" so they could monitor her organ function. The put together an estimate for me and it was (drum roll please).....$800. Are you F#$KING KIDDING ME!!! So home we went after paying $134. I was advised to give her some Pepcid so she doesn't get a stomach ulcer. I stopped at the drug store on the way home and got 30 10mg pills for $11. The had estimated the cost of Pepcid during hospitalization to be $66 for two pills.
After all this it seems like Kona if healthy and happy. I guess only time will tell if any damage was done to her organs. So far she has seemed very resilient...hopefully that will continue.
Kona helped herself, removing the bottle cap, to the entire bottle of rymadyl. When we got home I noticed the empty bottle laying in the middle of the living room floor. C wanted to give her epicac and make her throw up, but I am an over protective doggy Mom (when I am not accidentally killing my dog) so off we went to pet emergency.
They slowly explained to me how my dog could die from organ failure, etc..etc..etc.. I just wanted them to hurry up and make her puke. Spare me the explanation and get to work!!! It turns out that they put eye drops that contain a morphine derivative in their eyes to make them puke. We were told it would be about a half hour wait while Kona puked her guts out. About ten minutes into the wait here comes wriggling Kona running across the waiting room. She had some how escaped from vet tech and made a break for it. Can't say I blamed her!
After Kona puked up some large amounts of brown gruel we met with the vet again. The vet wanted to keep her overnight for "hospitalization" so they could monitor her organ function. The put together an estimate for me and it was (drum roll please).....$800. Are you F#$KING KIDDING ME!!! So home we went after paying $134. I was advised to give her some Pepcid so she doesn't get a stomach ulcer. I stopped at the drug store on the way home and got 30 10mg pills for $11. The had estimated the cost of Pepcid during hospitalization to be $66 for two pills.
After all this it seems like Kona if healthy and happy. I guess only time will tell if any damage was done to her organs. So far she has seemed very resilient...hopefully that will continue.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I almost killed my dog
This is very serious. Yesterday C and I took the dogs to the park. It was a hot day, but we went late in the evening when it was cooling off. We took Kona's ball and were playing fetch with her. On the was home she started acting funny, she was laying down every few yards and then she started to drag her back legs a little. Her saliva was very thick and goopy. We went to our closest friends house and got water for her. By this point she was wobbling around showing a lack of coordination. I went home got the air conditioned car and we took her home and hosed her off. We are certain she had heat stroke. It was very scary.
Today Kona is at the vet for a check up and a hair cut.
Kona is only 2 years old. She is in good physical condition and she gets a lot of exercise. We think the heat and exercise was too much. Because she insists on carrying her ball she wasn't panting properly. Now she will be much more susceptible to heat stroke in the future.
Just wanted to warn everyone out there.
Here is some info on heat stroke: (from http://dog-care.suite101.com/article.cfm/signs_of_overheating_in_dogs):
Dog owners need to know the signs of overheating in dogs so that cooling measures can be taken quickly. Symptoms to watch for include:
Profuse and rapid panting
Bright red tongue
Thick drooling saliva
Wide eyes with a glassy look
Lack of coordination
How to Cool an Overheated Dog
Working quickly to get the temperature down is imperative. Any of the following measures can help to cool the dog.
Place the dog in cool, but not cold, water
Take the dog to air conditioning
Sponge his head, tummy and area between the legs with cool water
Wet his tongue
Turn a fan on him
Offer small amounts of cool water to drink every few minutes if he is conscious
Care must be taken not to cool the dog too much. In some cases, the temperature can drop too quickly. Once the temperature has reached 104 F or 103 F, cooling efforts should be stopped.
Dogs who have overheated should be seen by a veterinarian to determine if they need further treatment.
Today Kona is at the vet for a check up and a hair cut.
Kona is only 2 years old. She is in good physical condition and she gets a lot of exercise. We think the heat and exercise was too much. Because she insists on carrying her ball she wasn't panting properly. Now she will be much more susceptible to heat stroke in the future.
Just wanted to warn everyone out there.
Here is some info on heat stroke: (from http://dog-care.suite101.com/article.cfm/signs_of_overheating_in_dogs):
Dog owners need to know the signs of overheating in dogs so that cooling measures can be taken quickly. Symptoms to watch for include:
Profuse and rapid panting
Bright red tongue
Thick drooling saliva
Wide eyes with a glassy look
Lack of coordination
How to Cool an Overheated Dog
Working quickly to get the temperature down is imperative. Any of the following measures can help to cool the dog.
Place the dog in cool, but not cold, water
Take the dog to air conditioning
Sponge his head, tummy and area between the legs with cool water
Wet his tongue
Turn a fan on him
Offer small amounts of cool water to drink every few minutes if he is conscious
Care must be taken not to cool the dog too much. In some cases, the temperature can drop too quickly. Once the temperature has reached 104 F or 103 F, cooling efforts should be stopped.
Dogs who have overheated should be seen by a veterinarian to determine if they need further treatment.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Missing C
Last weekend C was on a business trip. This was the first weekend we spent apart since we met. I knew I would survive just fine on my own (okay...my Mom did come over to keep me company), but I still missed him. I guess I missed him so much I got a cold. Still trying to figure out how I can pin the cold on him.
Anyways...looking forward to a fun weekend with my guy.
Anyways...looking forward to a fun weekend with my guy.
What if Man
I think in every woman's life she comes across a "what if man". This man is in no way related to "mister right" or "the love of her life". The "what if man" is the person that her mind occasionally drifts to when she finds her day has become idle or something triggers a memory and she think to herself what if......
I have talked to several friends and relatives and asked them if they have a "what if man" and many do. It is that one person that might have developed into something "if only ....". Here are some examples of "if only's": he lived closer, Mr. Right hadn't come along, timing had been different, she hadn't been dating Mr. X, he hadn't been going through XYZ, etc...
In talking to friends it is also very clear that although they might occasionally think of their "what if man" they would not go back and give it another try.
You see when it comes down to it, when you truly weigh your options, trading "mister right" for "what if man" is a silly thought to entertain.
I personally believe life pushes us in certain directions for a reason. All of those "what if men" are put in our lives so we will be ready and open to our "mister rights". I am very happy with my "mister right" and looking back I wouldn't change a thing. My "what if man" helped me get where I am today and I couldn't be happier.
Let me know what you think, take my poll on the left side of the page.
I have talked to several friends and relatives and asked them if they have a "what if man" and many do. It is that one person that might have developed into something "if only ....". Here are some examples of "if only's": he lived closer, Mr. Right hadn't come along, timing had been different, she hadn't been dating Mr. X, he hadn't been going through XYZ, etc...
In talking to friends it is also very clear that although they might occasionally think of their "what if man" they would not go back and give it another try.
You see when it comes down to it, when you truly weigh your options, trading "mister right" for "what if man" is a silly thought to entertain.
I personally believe life pushes us in certain directions for a reason. All of those "what if men" are put in our lives so we will be ready and open to our "mister rights". I am very happy with my "mister right" and looking back I wouldn't change a thing. My "what if man" helped me get where I am today and I couldn't be happier.
Let me know what you think, take my poll on the left side of the page.
Monday, July 6, 2009
33 and Counting

This weekend was beautiful in North Idaho. The weather was gorgeous, though a little on the hot side. C came up here from Spokane. I think this was the first weekend in months that I have been home. It felt so good.
On Friday we put our kayaks in at city beach and paddled Sand Creek. It was hot hot hot.
We woke up on Saturday and spent some time working on my yard. Oh the joys of trying to put my house up for sale. I think I might be crazy for trying to sell. The thought of actually packing and moving is terrifying. Ughh... Anyways, C was a huge help. When the shade was gone making yard work miserable we decided to go for a hike down to Maiden Rock.
The hike to Maiden Rock was lovely. It was shaded by the trees. The only bad thing....the mosquitoes. I have counted 33 bites so far and I am sure there are more I am missing. I had the bug spray in my pack and then took it out...stupid, stupid, stupid. I am itching as I type this right now. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Kona loved the beach, we couldn't get her out of the water. Finally she started shivering and we knew it was time to go. The trail to Maiden Rock is downhill in and uphill back. Let's just say I am so out of shape!! How did I let myself get like this (again!). Here is the scene: I am huffing and puffing up the trail, smacking and cursing mosquitoes, while C occasionally smacks me because he sees a blood sucker getting its fill. Would I do it again? Absolutely! Oh....I forgot the mention the lovely rash on my chest from sunscreen.
On Sunday morning we finished my yard work. In the afternoon we kayaked the Pack River. We were on the river about 3 hours which was perfect. (Note to self: research a more comfortable kayak seat.) We had a lovely picnic along the way.
All in all, a fabulous weekend!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Global Komen Race
This week I went to Washington DC for work. I extended my trip so I could spend an extra day being a tourist and then participate in the first ever global Komen race. This was the first time I have been to D.C., and I can't wait to go back. On my tourist day I visited the international spy museum, the halocaust museum, and did a monument walking tour. I had a great time, even though I had to walk a really long way from the Lincon Memorial to my hotel in the pouring rain.
The Komen race was amazing. My work is a series sponsor so we got the VIP treatment. I got to shake hands with vice president Joe Biden. I also saw other celebrities such as Sarah Chalke from scrubs, Candy Coburn (an upcoming country singer), Lalah Hathaway (singer), princess Katherine and prince Alexander of Serbia.
And the icing on the cake. When I was checking out of my hotel I saw Dr. Ruth!!!
The Komen race was amazing. My work is a series sponsor so we got the VIP treatment. I got to shake hands with vice president Joe Biden. I also saw other celebrities such as Sarah Chalke from scrubs, Candy Coburn (an upcoming country singer), Lalah Hathaway (singer), princess Katherine and prince Alexander of Serbia.
And the icing on the cake. When I was checking out of my hotel I saw Dr. Ruth!!!
Guiness, Murphy's, Jameson

So I am way way behind on my blog. In May C and I took our first official big trip together. We went to Ireland. We spent a week and a half driving around Western and South Western Ireland. Ireland is absolutely beautiful.
I am not going to say traveling together was perfect...it wasn't...for some reason I was super cranky. Spending 24/7 with someone is tough no matter who you are with. But, in the end C put up with my bull and we ended up having a great trip.
Here are just a few of the places we visited Cliffs of Moher, Doolin, Lisdoonvarna, Dingle, Michael Skilligs, Connor Pass, Kinsale, Cork, Charles Fort, Doolin Caves, Dingle Penninsula, etc... I kept a detailed journal of our adventures so I am not going to go into great detail. But, I will say that Ireland is definitely worth a visit...or two.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Oh Canada...

A couple things I have always loved about Canada are the crazy signs and the words/names that have innuendos in the U.S. but apparently don't in Canada. Or...maybe the Canadians just have a better sense of humor than the U.S.
Here are 4 fun signs, sayings, things I saw in Canada:
1. There is a town called Tata
2. There was a wrap shop that had a rabbit theme. Their tag line was "a great place to get stuffed".
3. The rap group "Swollen Members" was performing Saturday night.
4. We ate hot dogs from "Willies Winnies"
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Horizon Airlines Sucks!
After a long week of travel I was anxious to get home. I was traveling with P from work. We got to the airport and when we checked in they told us our 8:30 flight was delayed until 10:00. On our boarding passes they printed a boarding time of 9:30. Since we got to the airport about 6:00 we figured we had tons of time to kill so we ate dinner in a restaurant prior to going through security. At 8:40 we went to security. I checked the departure board and....drum roll please...our flight was departed!!!! What the $#%&!!! We went to the gate and they said our flight had just left. We showed them our boarding passes with the "9:30" boarding time. They said we should have watched the departure board. Ummm....I know I should watch the board, but why are you telling me 9:30 when the flight is going to leave on time. Once you tell people a later time you should stick by that time. And we weren't the only ones, 2 other ladies that checked in early too also missed the flight.
P was traveling back to Sandpoint, so a shuttle driver was already in Spokane waiting to pick him up. Our poor shuttle drive had to drive over 3 hours for nothing. All in all this little misprint cost our company around $350.
Okay....now here is where Horizon Airlines wins customer service points. Because it was entirely our fault that we missed our flight they would not put us up in a hotel. (Forgot to mention this was the last flight out). I call our travel agent and they book us in a Embassy Suite Hotel. Still pissed off I continue to bitch to the agent. After threatening to never fly their airline again and stating that I was a corporate traveler we eventually got a credit on our account and two $25 coupons. A lot of good that is going to do me....from now on I will be flying Southwest Airlines. Why can't airlines just admit when they are wrong. Maybe you shouldn't print a "corrected" boarding times if you don't really know. If it had just said delayed I would have been watching that board like a hawk.
Why is it that we allow airlines to provide such horrible customer service. Is there any other service that blames the customer when something goes wrong. Where do they get off calling you a dumb ass?
Thank you to Embassy Suites for being so friendly and helping us make light of the situation. The bathrobe was a nice touch...I wasn't sure how I was going to sleep in my jean skirt. Sure the toothbrush you provided was extremely flexible and the toothpaste packets were very hard to open, but at least the customer service was impeccable. You rock!
Please take my poll at left to make me feel better.
Horizon Airlines...You SUCK!!!!
P was traveling back to Sandpoint, so a shuttle driver was already in Spokane waiting to pick him up. Our poor shuttle drive had to drive over 3 hours for nothing. All in all this little misprint cost our company around $350.
Okay....now here is where Horizon Airlines wins customer service points. Because it was entirely our fault that we missed our flight they would not put us up in a hotel. (Forgot to mention this was the last flight out). I call our travel agent and they book us in a Embassy Suite Hotel. Still pissed off I continue to bitch to the agent. After threatening to never fly their airline again and stating that I was a corporate traveler we eventually got a credit on our account and two $25 coupons. A lot of good that is going to do me....from now on I will be flying Southwest Airlines. Why can't airlines just admit when they are wrong. Maybe you shouldn't print a "corrected" boarding times if you don't really know. If it had just said delayed I would have been watching that board like a hawk.
Why is it that we allow airlines to provide such horrible customer service. Is there any other service that blames the customer when something goes wrong. Where do they get off calling you a dumb ass?
Thank you to Embassy Suites for being so friendly and helping us make light of the situation. The bathrobe was a nice touch...I wasn't sure how I was going to sleep in my jean skirt. Sure the toothbrush you provided was extremely flexible and the toothpaste packets were very hard to open, but at least the customer service was impeccable. You rock!
Please take my poll at left to make me feel better.
Horizon Airlines...You SUCK!!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Christmas in the Spring

This weekend was fabulous! C and I did the Evan's Landing hike. The weather was perfect. The air smelled so fresh, like a Christmas tree. We did encounter a little bit of snow, but other than that it was a perfect hike. Kona and Kodi were with us and they enjoyed the water when we got down to the lake. I know I shouldn't let Kona swim since the water is so cold, but there is no stopping her. C and I sat by the shore of Lake Pend Orielle and soaked in the sun and each others company.
On Sunday we went mountain biking in Farragut state park. I probably won't be winning any mountain bike competitions anytime soon, but I still had fun. I only got a small pedal scrape on the back of my calf which isn't bad for my first time out in years. Of course I tried to take us somewhere that was too difficult for my skill level, are you surprised? C carefully suggested that maybe I wasn't ready for the trail we were on. He was right, but still I hate sucking at stuff.
All in all it was a perfect weekend. Next weekend we are off to Fairmont with my parents. And then...the countdown to Ireland begins.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
On Easter Mom and Dad told me that they would be willing to take Sadie from me once Neko passes. I have never seen C so happy. Poor Sadie, that cat has been so neglected since I got Kona. Kona definitely rules the roost. I had thought about giving Sadie to a better home, but honestly I was afraid to give her to anyone. She isn't exactly friendly. She is sort of Jekyll and Hyde. One minute nice and loving and the next eating your hand.
Just this morning she was trying to eat the roses C gave me and so I told her "no" and she hissed at me. So I got out the squirt bottle. After about 10 squirts and no response I finally gave her a shot of water to the face. Finally she stopped eating the roses, she was soaking wet.
I really hope that Sadie will be happy at Mom and Dads. They will be able to give her the attention she needs. One thing that is so fun about Sadie is that she loves to play. I definitely think her future is looking up.
I wonder (for mom and dad's sake) if they make kitty Prozac.
Just this morning she was trying to eat the roses C gave me and so I told her "no" and she hissed at me. So I got out the squirt bottle. After about 10 squirts and no response I finally gave her a shot of water to the face. Finally she stopped eating the roses, she was soaking wet.
I really hope that Sadie will be happy at Mom and Dads. They will be able to give her the attention she needs. One thing that is so fun about Sadie is that she loves to play. I definitely think her future is looking up.
I wonder (for mom and dad's sake) if they make kitty Prozac.
Friday, April 3, 2009
4 Wheeler Overload
Yesterday on the way home from work I saw a guy driving a 4 wheeler with two Labrador retrievers on the back. One was chocolate and the other yellow. They were wagging their tails excitedly. Obviously no the first time they have done this. Oh..and the guy had a kid riding in front of him. Now that is a full ride.
So Lucky
I am so lucky to have a boyfriend, that appreciates me for all the quirky things I do. That likes me the way I am, and spoils me rotten by bringing me flowers out of the blue. And...he knows/remembers that I think red roses are so over rated. Can't wait to see my man this weekend. We hope to cook lemon fettuccine together and go for a long bike ride. Oh...and he gets to meet my extended family this weekend!
Monday, March 30, 2009
C and I spent this weekend in Sandpoint. We had plans, plans to go mountain bike riding and plans to go hiking. On Saturday it snowed about an inch...no riding. On Sunday tried to go hiking, but found that snowshoes would have been better footwear than hiking boots. We ended up tromping through snow until our cuffs were wet and then coming home and peddling around my neighborhood.
Where is Spring? I long to feel the sun on my face. I like the feeling of getting into a car that has been warmed by the sun. I want to actually have a reason for wearing sunscreen on my face everyday. I want to get out on the lake and paddle through the crystal blue water, not this milky green/brown stuff we have now.
We bought some new tires for my bike so hopefully I will be "mountain biking" in no time. I have decided to try to use my old (I mean really old, like from 8th grade old) bike this year while I learn and then move up to some sweat wheels next year. I figure I can blame all my whining and complaining on not having the "right" equipment this year. Next year I will have to find another excuse.
Where is Spring? I long to feel the sun on my face. I like the feeling of getting into a car that has been warmed by the sun. I want to actually have a reason for wearing sunscreen on my face everyday. I want to get out on the lake and paddle through the crystal blue water, not this milky green/brown stuff we have now.
We bought some new tires for my bike so hopefully I will be "mountain biking" in no time. I have decided to try to use my old (I mean really old, like from 8th grade old) bike this year while I learn and then move up to some sweat wheels next year. I figure I can blame all my whining and complaining on not having the "right" equipment this year. Next year I will have to find another excuse.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Work Work Work Makes Me A Dull Girl.
Wow...it has been a long time since my last update. I have been traveling a lot for work. Last week I was in Houston, Atlanta, and San Francisco. The week before I was in Minneapolis and New York. Good news...I finally earned some airline status and I am getting tons of moderating experience. Bad new...I am exhausted and rarely get to be home and I haven't had a regular workout routine since I don't know when. Why am I paying a mortgage on a place I rarely sleep in?
I guess Kona is getting sick of being on the road too. When we returned home on Monday she was so excited that she peed right in the middle of my bed. Lovely! At first I thought she was super cute ruffling up all the bedding and having a fun time, but then she wasn't so cute when she unloaded her bladder on my side of the bed. Bad dog! Anyways, I am going to attribute it to "marking her territory" and keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again.
Speaking of doggy potty mishaps. While C was watching Kona she got a huge container of dog food off the counter and ate all of the food. We figure she proabaly had about 8 or 9 cups of food. Chris didn't leave the pet door open that night so he woke up to the biggest pile of dog poo he says he has ever seen. Can't really blame Kona for that. Thankfully, C left some of the marking on the floor so I had something to clean up when I got home.
If I am doing the math correctly this will be the 4th weekend I am home in Sandpoint since Halloween. Crazy! I was tempted to go to Spokane this weekend and try to sneak another ski day in, but decided I should stay home instead.
I have a little venting to do...(I know you are surprised). This year I decided to buy a season pass for 49 degrees north. It was a screamin' deal, I get to ski the rest of this year and all of next year for $229. That means I have to go 5 times to pay off the pass. I have already gone two times, so only 3 to go. Some of you may be saying it is silly to buy a season pass at 49 when I live at the bottom of Schweitzer. Okay...here is my rant....Schweitzer mountian needs to wake up and realize that their season prices are rediculous. The mountian would make so much more money if they would have a reasonably priced pass. Schweitzers "sale" price is $599. That means I would have to go 10 times to get my moneys worth. But....if I was under 17 I would only have to pay $199, or if I was in college I would only have to pay $299. This is a huge disconnect. What ski resort in their right mind wants a mountian full of teens and college students bebopping around? Wouldn't you want some balance? It seems if they would lower their cost they would greatly increase the volume of tickets they sold, there by making more money. Oh well....not my problem, I will be driving to 49 next year instead and I don't have to deal with Schweitzers insane pricing scheme. Oh...did I mention you can buy an epic pass that gives you unlimited skiing at Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone, Heavenly, and Arapahoe Basin for just $549. Many would argue some of these resorts are better than Schweitzer and you get to ski them ALL for less.
Okay...enough bitching for one day. I better get back to work.
I guess Kona is getting sick of being on the road too. When we returned home on Monday she was so excited that she peed right in the middle of my bed. Lovely! At first I thought she was super cute ruffling up all the bedding and having a fun time, but then she wasn't so cute when she unloaded her bladder on my side of the bed. Bad dog! Anyways, I am going to attribute it to "marking her territory" and keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again.
Speaking of doggy potty mishaps. While C was watching Kona she got a huge container of dog food off the counter and ate all of the food. We figure she proabaly had about 8 or 9 cups of food. Chris didn't leave the pet door open that night so he woke up to the biggest pile of dog poo he says he has ever seen. Can't really blame Kona for that. Thankfully, C left some of the marking on the floor so I had something to clean up when I got home.
If I am doing the math correctly this will be the 4th weekend I am home in Sandpoint since Halloween. Crazy! I was tempted to go to Spokane this weekend and try to sneak another ski day in, but decided I should stay home instead.
I have a little venting to do...(I know you are surprised). This year I decided to buy a season pass for 49 degrees north. It was a screamin' deal, I get to ski the rest of this year and all of next year for $229. That means I have to go 5 times to pay off the pass. I have already gone two times, so only 3 to go. Some of you may be saying it is silly to buy a season pass at 49 when I live at the bottom of Schweitzer. Okay...here is my rant....Schweitzer mountian needs to wake up and realize that their season prices are rediculous. The mountian would make so much more money if they would have a reasonably priced pass. Schweitzers "sale" price is $599. That means I would have to go 10 times to get my moneys worth. But....if I was under 17 I would only have to pay $199, or if I was in college I would only have to pay $299. This is a huge disconnect. What ski resort in their right mind wants a mountian full of teens and college students bebopping around? Wouldn't you want some balance? It seems if they would lower their cost they would greatly increase the volume of tickets they sold, there by making more money. Oh well....not my problem, I will be driving to 49 next year instead and I don't have to deal with Schweitzers insane pricing scheme. Oh...did I mention you can buy an epic pass that gives you unlimited skiing at Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone, Heavenly, and Arapahoe Basin for just $549. Many would argue some of these resorts are better than Schweitzer and you get to ski them ALL for less.
Okay...enough bitching for one day. I better get back to work.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Halichoeres bivittatus

C and I are talking about a trip to Belize next year. While looking up the types of fish you might see around Belize I came across a fish called a slippery dick. No joke! So...I plan on asking our snorkeling guide when we are down there if he knows where we can find slippery dicks. Warning "Adults may grow to be a length of 8 inches". This makes me smile!
A Little Cabin in the Woods

Last weekend C and I rented a cabin in Heyburn State Park. My parents rented the next next cabin over. We lucked out and had a break in the weather. We were able to walk the trail of the CDAs and have a lovely campfire (s'mores included). We had a slight bump in the road when Kona ran after a deer and disappeared into the woods. Dad and C had to hike up a mountain to find her. I am still not so sure that she would have come back. On the way home we stopped at the casino and lost 10 dollars. All in all it was a great weekend.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Anti-Valentines Day
This year C and I decided to boycott Valentine's Day. No sappy cards, no wearing of red satin shirts, no red roses (I am so over those), no chocolate in a heart shaped box. We did have chocolate, but that is an everyday occurrence for me.
On Friday we made manicotti (sp?) and sipped some lovely wine. On Saturday we hiked around Round Lake went and saw Leroy Bell at the Panida. The concert was great, this was my second time seeing him. I do have to say I was kind of distracted by the locals dancing up front. The dancing was...how do I say this in a nice way....UNIQUE.
One young lad must have watched flash dance, ballet, break dancing and moshing and decided it would be a good idea to blend it all together. I can see him dancing as a little tyke to the song Dancing Queen. He was all over the dance floor...deep knee bends, enthusiastic arm movements, jumping up and down, grand entrances (with the help of the red curtain covering the doors at stage right and left, and grand exits that usually involved ballet leaps. At one point I saw him run in to the wall and grope it. Another time he picked up his partner and ran across the floor with her...I never did see her come back. With moves as "special" as that I can just imagine an old man in the audience saying "something is not right with that boy".
At one point during the concert Leroy told the crowd that "this is the song everyone jumps too". So...I see this man come jumping down the isle...doing jumping jacks!!! Umm...not what I think Leroy had in mind. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.
The girls in Sandpoint have their very own dancing style. It either involves swishing around their knee length hair with their hands stretched above their head (hippy style) or it involves bumping and grinding in a very serious sexy fashion with their trashed boyfriend.
I love local concerts!!!
C was super sweet and a good sport all weekend, he had a head cold, but he was still very attentive. On Sunday we got pizza at 2nd Avenue Pizza (so yummy) and played a naughty game of skipbo. I could tell you the rules of the game but we are considering patenting them and making millions to retire off of so I better keep it a secret.
On Friday we made manicotti (sp?) and sipped some lovely wine. On Saturday we hiked around Round Lake went and saw Leroy Bell at the Panida. The concert was great, this was my second time seeing him. I do have to say I was kind of distracted by the locals dancing up front. The dancing was...how do I say this in a nice way....UNIQUE.
One young lad must have watched flash dance, ballet, break dancing and moshing and decided it would be a good idea to blend it all together. I can see him dancing as a little tyke to the song Dancing Queen. He was all over the dance floor...deep knee bends, enthusiastic arm movements, jumping up and down, grand entrances (with the help of the red curtain covering the doors at stage right and left, and grand exits that usually involved ballet leaps. At one point I saw him run in to the wall and grope it. Another time he picked up his partner and ran across the floor with her...I never did see her come back. With moves as "special" as that I can just imagine an old man in the audience saying "something is not right with that boy".
At one point during the concert Leroy told the crowd that "this is the song everyone jumps too". So...I see this man come jumping down the isle...doing jumping jacks!!! Umm...not what I think Leroy had in mind. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.
The girls in Sandpoint have their very own dancing style. It either involves swishing around their knee length hair with their hands stretched above their head (hippy style) or it involves bumping and grinding in a very serious sexy fashion with their trashed boyfriend.
I love local concerts!!!
C was super sweet and a good sport all weekend, he had a head cold, but he was still very attentive. On Sunday we got pizza at 2nd Avenue Pizza (so yummy) and played a naughty game of skipbo. I could tell you the rules of the game but we are considering patenting them and making millions to retire off of so I better keep it a secret.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Time Flies Or Does it Flys?
Wow! I can't believe it has been over a month since my last blog. It is amazing how quickly time has flown by. Here are some of the highlights:
I turned 31 without too much pomp and circumstances, but it was a great birthday none the less. My mom and dad had myself and C and my brother (also his birthday) and his family over for spaghetti and meatballs followed by ice cream cake. I also received the best present I have ever been given from C. It involves "quality time" as he likes to say. He gave me a plane ticket to Ireland!
C and I am busy planning/dreaming our trip to Ireland. We are trying to be flexible with our plans so we are planning but not planning. Mostly I am planning what I am going to wear which has involved many hours of Internet shopping. I am still try to find the perfect shoe that I can wear for 12 days straight, something I have never ever done before.
Cashed in my Christmas present:
C gave me a gift certificate for a weekend get away to Hot Spring Montana for Christmas. Two weekends ago we packed our dogs into the car and headed off on our first official road trip together. We had a rough start because Kona ate a pen and got ink all over C's carpet (did I mention he rents- I am sure his landlord loves me). Then during the drive Kona puked down C's door and left a pile of her breakfast on the floor of the truck. Once we finally reached the hotel we took the dogs for a walk and Kona ran through a field and got seeds stuck in her fur (half hour later we had all those pulled out). The hotel was a hoot, very very rustic in every sense of the word. But, we had a great time and it was nice to get away and spend some time together just the two of us. http://www.symeshotsprings.com/
While we were at the symes hotel they were celebrating the Chinese New Year so they had the fire dancing (I use this term dancing very loosely) group Bio-Luminesce perform. What a crack up. If it was a comedy show it would have been better. The artists were overly serious about their "art". One act included moving candles around in glass globes while one guy spouted his "enlightened" theory on life. All I heard was blah blah blah... The best part was when they put the candles down by the tip jar which was sitting by piles of dog poo. I enjoyed watching people put money in the tip jar while standing on doodoo. I know I am evil. Apparently two of the "dancers" couldn't be there because their house burnt down...hmmmm....explain that to the insurance company. http://people.tribe.net/0ca050fc-8dd2-4a51-a2a2-0a68b828ee6e (you can see some videos of their performances on this site).
:o( No skiing yet. C and I have had every intention of going up, but I haven't been able to find anyone to go skiing with me while C is in a lesson. A-- wish you were here.
Things are going amazingly well with C and me. I have never felt this way about anyone. He is so kind and thoughtful and a really good man. We have so much fun together, probably more than we should. I can't imagine him not being in my life. Definitely a good thing. Isn't it funny how when thing are going really good in a relationship you kind of want to keep it all to yourself? Maybe I am the only one that feels this way. Anyway...just know things are going really really well.
The economy continues to take a toll on the retail business. We have experienced more lay-offs and really good people have been let go. Such a sad situation. As of today I still have my job. There is going to be some restructuring, which I am not thrilled about, but overall I think the changes will be good for research. Unfortunately, I don't see them being good for my career. Oh well...such is life during these times. I am just happy to be employed.
I guess that is the latest news for now. Promise I will be better at keeping this up to date.
I turned 31 without too much pomp and circumstances, but it was a great birthday none the less. My mom and dad had myself and C and my brother (also his birthday) and his family over for spaghetti and meatballs followed by ice cream cake. I also received the best present I have ever been given from C. It involves "quality time" as he likes to say. He gave me a plane ticket to Ireland!
C and I am busy planning/dreaming our trip to Ireland. We are trying to be flexible with our plans so we are planning but not planning. Mostly I am planning what I am going to wear which has involved many hours of Internet shopping. I am still try to find the perfect shoe that I can wear for 12 days straight, something I have never ever done before.
Cashed in my Christmas present:
C gave me a gift certificate for a weekend get away to Hot Spring Montana for Christmas. Two weekends ago we packed our dogs into the car and headed off on our first official road trip together. We had a rough start because Kona ate a pen and got ink all over C's carpet (did I mention he rents- I am sure his landlord loves me). Then during the drive Kona puked down C's door and left a pile of her breakfast on the floor of the truck. Once we finally reached the hotel we took the dogs for a walk and Kona ran through a field and got seeds stuck in her fur (half hour later we had all those pulled out). The hotel was a hoot, very very rustic in every sense of the word. But, we had a great time and it was nice to get away and spend some time together just the two of us. http://www.symeshotsprings.com/
While we were at the symes hotel they were celebrating the Chinese New Year so they had the fire dancing (I use this term dancing very loosely) group Bio-Luminesce perform. What a crack up. If it was a comedy show it would have been better. The artists were overly serious about their "art". One act included moving candles around in glass globes while one guy spouted his "enlightened" theory on life. All I heard was blah blah blah... The best part was when they put the candles down by the tip jar which was sitting by piles of dog poo. I enjoyed watching people put money in the tip jar while standing on doodoo. I know I am evil. Apparently two of the "dancers" couldn't be there because their house burnt down...hmmmm....explain that to the insurance company. http://people.tribe.net/0ca050fc-8dd2-4a51-a2a2-0a68b828ee6e (you can see some videos of their performances on this site).
:o( No skiing yet. C and I have had every intention of going up, but I haven't been able to find anyone to go skiing with me while C is in a lesson. A-- wish you were here.
Things are going amazingly well with C and me. I have never felt this way about anyone. He is so kind and thoughtful and a really good man. We have so much fun together, probably more than we should. I can't imagine him not being in my life. Definitely a good thing. Isn't it funny how when thing are going really good in a relationship you kind of want to keep it all to yourself? Maybe I am the only one that feels this way. Anyway...just know things are going really really well.
The economy continues to take a toll on the retail business. We have experienced more lay-offs and really good people have been let go. Such a sad situation. As of today I still have my job. There is going to be some restructuring, which I am not thrilled about, but overall I think the changes will be good for research. Unfortunately, I don't see them being good for my career. Oh well...such is life during these times. I am just happy to be employed.
I guess that is the latest news for now. Promise I will be better at keeping this up to date.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Usually I feel like reminiscing about the previous year when New Years rolls around; however, this year I am just very excited about what 2009 might bring.
But, because I feel I should...here are just a few of the highlights from 2008:
Jumping into dating
Meeting new friends
Visiting B in Helena
Trip to Banff and Crested Butte
Sailing, hiking, snowshoeing
J&J welcoming new babies to the family
Meeting C
But, because I feel I should...here are just a few of the highlights from 2008:
Jumping into dating
Meeting new friends
Visiting B in Helena
Trip to Banff and Crested Butte
Sailing, hiking, snowshoeing
J&J welcoming new babies to the family
Meeting C
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