Wow! I can't believe it has been over a month since my last blog. It is amazing how quickly time has flown by. Here are some of the highlights:
I turned 31 without too much pomp and circumstances, but it was a great birthday none the less. My mom and dad had myself and C and my brother (also his birthday) and his family over for spaghetti and meatballs followed by
ice cream cake. I also
received the best present I have ever been given from C. It involves "quality time" as he likes to say. He gave me a plane ticket to Ireland!
C and I am busy planning/dreaming our trip to Ireland. We are trying to be flexible with our plans so we are planning but not planning. Mostly I am planning what I am going to wear which has involved many hours of
Internet shopping. I am still try to find the perfect shoe that I can wear for 12 days straight, something I have never ever done before.
Cashed in my Christmas present:
C gave me a gift certificate for a weekend get away to Hot Spring Montana for Christmas. Two weekends ago we packed our dogs into the car and headed off on our first official
road trip together. We had a rough start because
Kona ate a pen and got ink all over C's carpet (did I mention he rents- I am sure his landlord loves me). Then during the drive
Kona puked down C's door and left a pile of her breakfast on the floor of the truck. Once we finally reached the hotel we took the dogs for a walk and
Kona ran through a field and got seeds stuck in her fur (half hour later we had all those pulled out). The hotel was a hoot, very very rustic in every sense of the word. But, we had a great time and it was nice to get away and spend some time together just the two of us.
While we were at the
symes hotel they were celebrating the Chinese New Year so they had the fire dancing (I use this term dancing very loosely) group Bio-L
uminesce perform. What a crack up. If it was a comedy show it would have been better. The artists were overly serious about their "art". One act included moving candles around in glass globes while one guy spouted his "enlightened" theory on life. All I heard was blah blah blah... The best part was when they put the candles down by the tip jar which was sitting by piles of dog poo. I enjoyed watching people put money in the tip jar while standing on
doodoo. I know I am evil. Apparently two of the "dancers" couldn't be there because their house burnt down...hmmmm....explain that to the insurance company. (you can see some videos of their performances on this site).
:o( No skiing yet. C and I have had every intention of going up, but I haven't been able to find anyone to go skiing with me while C is in a lesson. A-- wish you were here.
Things are going amazingly well with C and me. I have never felt this way about anyone. He is so kind and thoughtful and a really good man. We have so much fun together, probably more than we should. I can't imagine him not being in my life. Definitely a good thing. Isn't it funny how when thing are going really good in a relationship you kind of want to keep it all to yourself? Maybe I am the only one that feels this way.
Anyway...just know things are going really really well.
The economy continues to take a toll on the retail business. We have experienced more lay-offs and really good people have been let go. Such a sad situation. As of today I still have my job. There is going to be some restructuring, which I am not thrilled about, but overall I think the changes will be good for research. Unfortunately, I don't see them being good for my career. Oh well...such is life during these times. I am just happy to be employed.
I guess that is the latest news for now. Promise I will be better at keeping this up to date.