My boyfriend R came to visit me. He has been here since the 12th and will be here through the 29th. I think here is here to try to figure out what to do with the rest of his life. Unfortunately, I am not getting the feeling that the rest of his life includes North Idaho.
We went to visit my parents last weekend and we had a great time. We ate pizza and played a game we call "marbles". Since then I haven't been able to get him out of the house. Last night was trivia night at a local bar/restaurant; I have wanted to go for the last few months, I asked the bf if he wanted to go and he said no. But, he said I could go by myself if I wanted too. Boy, that sounds like fun (dripping with sarcasm)!
Some of my friends have asked us out to dinner, but he doesn't want to go. All he wants to do is sit at home and watch TV. I had to buy satellite TV especially for his visit. I normally don't have TV, and haven't had it for the past 3 years. Instead, I like to read or sew or hang out with friends. My bf has been pushing to get a TV in the bedroom. I think that the bedroom is for sleeping not for watching TV. At his house, my bf sleeps with the TV on. We are definitely not aligned on this issue.
I mentioned to R that we should hop a plane to Hawaii for a few days. He says he is willing to go, but he keeps bringing up the eight hour plane ride, the shark infested waters, and the fact that he can't swim. So....I don't think that trip is going to happen.
I will keep you posted...maybe I can get him to go through the drive through at McDonalds with me. It might take a miracle.
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