Friday, August 29, 2008

Cow Girl

Okay, I will admit it. I have sort of had a crush on Chris Cagle for years. He has been on my list of "artist to see in concert" for years. Those of you that know me know that it is very strange for me to have a celbrity crush. After all, celebrities are famous because of regular old people like you and me. Anyways.... Chris had that typical stocky body type that I like and an amazing is not to like?

On Wednesday I went to Walla Walla with my parents (yes I am 30, but I still have fun with Mom and Dad) to see Chris Cagle and Tracy Lawrence in concert. Both artists sounded exactly like their albums, had great stage presence, and overall gave an amazing show. Even Mom and Dad liked the concert. I sang along to every song (careful not to be too loud so that the people in front of me didn't have to listen to my stellar singing voice) and even danced in my seat.

The only downer was the guy and gall in a rhinestone cowboy hat a few rows in front of us that refused to sit down. Let's just say the guy made a better door than a window. Finally we got so annoyed we had security ask them to sit down. They finally did sit down after standing through one more song just to prove that they had free will (or some other lame @ss point they were trying to prove- maybe their lack of intelligence). more goal check off my list of things to see in my life.

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