Monday, July 30, 2007

Gag Reflex

This weekend my parents, brother, and nephew helped me move into my house. I still have a few random things to bring over from my old place; but basically I am all moved in. I am now living in a mountain of boxes. I hate this in between phase. I can't wait to get everything put in its place. All I want to do is unpack, but I have to spend tonight cleaning the rental so that I can get back my damage deposit.

I brought Sadie over to the house last night. She is busy exploring everything. I still have paper on the floor and she must not like the feel of it because she keeps jumping over it. Last night I was so tired I forgot to give her water, so when I woke up this morning there was some kitty throw up on my new laminate flooring. I am such a bad parent. Of course I quickly realized my mistake and she is now well hydrated.

The bad new...the pig smells so bad that sometimes my gag reflex kicks in. Ugh...will it ever snow? I think a thick blanket of snow might just cover up the foul stench.

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