Monday, March 30, 2009


C and I spent this weekend in Sandpoint. We had plans, plans to go mountain bike riding and plans to go hiking. On Saturday it snowed about an riding. On Sunday tried to go hiking, but found that snowshoes would have been better footwear than hiking boots. We ended up tromping through snow until our cuffs were wet and then coming home and peddling around my neighborhood.

Where is Spring? I long to feel the sun on my face. I like the feeling of getting into a car that has been warmed by the sun. I want to actually have a reason for wearing sunscreen on my face everyday. I want to get out on the lake and paddle through the crystal blue water, not this milky green/brown stuff we have now.

We bought some new tires for my bike so hopefully I will be "mountain biking" in no time. I have decided to try to use my old (I mean really old, like from 8th grade old) bike this year while I learn and then move up to some sweat wheels next year. I figure I can blame all my whining and complaining on not having the "right" equipment this year. Next year I will have to find another excuse.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Work Work Work Makes Me A Dull Girl. has been a long time since my last update. I have been traveling a lot for work. Last week I was in Houston, Atlanta, and San Francisco. The week before I was in Minneapolis and New York. Good news...I finally earned some airline status and I am getting tons of moderating experience. Bad new...I am exhausted and rarely get to be home and I haven't had a regular workout routine since I don't know when. Why am I paying a mortgage on a place I rarely sleep in?

I guess Kona is getting sick of being on the road too. When we returned home on Monday she was so excited that she peed right in the middle of my bed. Lovely! At first I thought she was super cute ruffling up all the bedding and having a fun time, but then she wasn't so cute when she unloaded her bladder on my side of the bed. Bad dog! Anyways, I am going to attribute it to "marking her territory" and keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again.

Speaking of doggy potty mishaps. While C was watching Kona she got a huge container of dog food off the counter and ate all of the food. We figure she proabaly had about 8 or 9 cups of food. Chris didn't leave the pet door open that night so he woke up to the biggest pile of dog poo he says he has ever seen. Can't really blame Kona for that. Thankfully, C left some of the marking on the floor so I had something to clean up when I got home.

If I am doing the math correctly this will be the 4th weekend I am home in Sandpoint since Halloween. Crazy! I was tempted to go to Spokane this weekend and try to sneak another ski day in, but decided I should stay home instead.

I have a little venting to do...(I know you are surprised). This year I decided to buy a season pass for 49 degrees north. It was a screamin' deal, I get to ski the rest of this year and all of next year for $229. That means I have to go 5 times to pay off the pass. I have already gone two times, so only 3 to go. Some of you may be saying it is silly to buy a season pass at 49 when I live at the bottom of Schweitzer. is my rant....Schweitzer mountian needs to wake up and realize that their season prices are rediculous. The mountian would make so much more money if they would have a reasonably priced pass. Schweitzers "sale" price is $599. That means I would have to go 10 times to get my moneys worth. But....if I was under 17 I would only have to pay $199, or if I was in college I would only have to pay $299. This is a huge disconnect. What ski resort in their right mind wants a mountian full of teens and college students bebopping around? Wouldn't you want some balance? It seems if they would lower their cost they would greatly increase the volume of tickets they sold, there by making more money. Oh well....not my problem, I will be driving to 49 next year instead and I don't have to deal with Schweitzers insane pricing scheme. Oh...did I mention you can buy an epic pass that gives you unlimited skiing at Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone, Heavenly, and Arapahoe Basin for just $549. Many would argue some of these resorts are better than Schweitzer and you get to ski them ALL for less.

Okay...enough bitching for one day. I better get back to work.