Monday, March 30, 2009


C and I spent this weekend in Sandpoint. We had plans, plans to go mountain bike riding and plans to go hiking. On Saturday it snowed about an riding. On Sunday tried to go hiking, but found that snowshoes would have been better footwear than hiking boots. We ended up tromping through snow until our cuffs were wet and then coming home and peddling around my neighborhood.

Where is Spring? I long to feel the sun on my face. I like the feeling of getting into a car that has been warmed by the sun. I want to actually have a reason for wearing sunscreen on my face everyday. I want to get out on the lake and paddle through the crystal blue water, not this milky green/brown stuff we have now.

We bought some new tires for my bike so hopefully I will be "mountain biking" in no time. I have decided to try to use my old (I mean really old, like from 8th grade old) bike this year while I learn and then move up to some sweat wheels next year. I figure I can blame all my whining and complaining on not having the "right" equipment this year. Next year I will have to find another excuse.

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