Tuesday, January 9, 2007

It's the Thought that Counts

For Christmas I asked my boyfriend R for a system so that I could listen to my ipod in my living room. He is so sweet and always goes above and beyond on my gifts, so he gave me a home theatre system.

This weekend I tried to set the thing up. Now, everyone that knows me know that I am a fairly organized person (my closet is color coded). There are now wires running all over my living room, it is driving me crazy. Plus...I can't get the thing to work. Apparently it has a DVD player, I already had a perfectly good DVD player which I am kind of sentimental about. Please don't think I am ungrateful, I am sure I will love this gift once it is set up and I can't see the wires that are strung all over my living room.

Luckily, my boyfriend is coming to visit me for 3 weeks. He has promised to take care of everything. Phew!!!!

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